Why Vital.ly

Why do I use Vital.ly for my clients?

➡️ Vital.ly is a hub of supplement brands which means a broader range for me to select from for my customers,

➡️ I can select based on price, content and quality for a client. Vital.ly stocks the best practitioner only prescription brands,

➡️ I can add a precription to the system with repeats and you can order when you are running low, no need to pop back into the clinic,

➡️ You don't have to wait for me to restock my clinic, you can order straight to your door. You also don't have to be local, my online consult patients can order and have their supplements delivered to where ever they are located.

➡️ Finally, I can put discounts on your account (active membership clients).

Once registered you will be able to order from your prescription stored on your Vital.ly login.